Role-playing is an effective way to help group members practice handling any tough situations that may arise during treatment, such as making apologies and amends to family members. Participants can share how they are practicing self-care to encourage and inspire their peers. Group therapy is used to guide clients through the process of gaining insight about themselves, others, and the world around them. Draw or paint a picture of something in nature that has found a way to thrive in a harsh environment, such as a cactus in the desert, or tree roots bursting up from a sidewalk. Talk about your own resilience in the face of challenges, and how you might learn to be more resilient in the future. Have a group lecture and/or discussion about the neuroscience of addiction.

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week� (NDAFW)

Support the creation of new tools for the entire mental health community. Learn about addiction treatment facilities that can meet your or your loved one�s needs by visiting today, or call us for assistance. The sense of accomplishment and camaraderie fostered through these experiences can boost self-esteem and motivation in people in recovery. Group interventions may include group therapy, peer support group meetings, group outings during treatment, and alumni programs as a part of aftercare.

Practice Templates

Give them five minutes or so to write down three �facts� about them, two of which are true and one of which is a lie. For participants, there are many reasons why group therapy is a treatment worth considering. Typically, substance abuse group activities for adults group sessions are held once or twice a week for one or two hours per session. The minimum recommended number of sessions is generally six, but group therapy often continues for up to a year or more (Cherry, 2017).

Substance abuse group activities for relapse prevention

Group therapy is a form of psychotherapy where a trained therapist facilitates a therapeutic session involving a small group of individuals who share similar emotional or psychological concerns. These group sessions provide a supportive and confidential environment for participants to discuss their challenges, express their feelings, and gain insights into their own experiences and behaviors. Group therapy can focus on various issues, such as anxiety, depression, addiction, grief, or interpersonal difficulties. This can include medication-assisted treatment, group therapy, individual therapy, life skills groups, psychoeducation groups, and support groups. Some clients may present with reluctance to participate in the different forms of group therapy during their treatment program. Individual therapy provides clients with one-on-one time with a trained Counselor which can feel less overwhelming and more personal than a group setting.

  • The change plan worksheet captures and organizes essential elements of a plan, including desired changes, reasons, steps, helpers, success indicators, and obstacles.
  • Here�s how we can face our triggers with less reactivity so that we can get on with our lives.
  • Closing group therapy treatment is the phase of group development known as termination (Levine, 2011).
  • For many, especially those recovering from addiction, recovery is significantly enhanced by the support and camaraderie found within substance abuse support groups.
  • However, this information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
  • CBT activities are solution-focused exercises and techniques that aim to improve mental health and substance abuse treatment outcomes in a fun and engaging way.

Group Activities In Addiction Recovery

Participants can try making gratitude lists or having open discussions on ways to find and show gratitude in daily life. In group sessions, everyone knows that everyone else there has faced similar issues. They are often available at addiction treatment centers but can also be found at community centers or in other public locations.

Ready to Take Your Practice to the Next Level?

  • Ask group members to introduce themselves by sharing three weird, funny, or interesting things about themselves as an �ice breaker� for one of your addiction recovery support group activities, .
  • Thought identification and replacement is a cornerstone of CBT, which is an evidence-based treatment for both anxiety and depression (Wolgensinger, 2015).
  • Learn about addiction treatment facilities that can meet your or your loved one�s needs by visiting today, or call us for assistance.
  • Recovery groups can highlight the healing quality of music in various ways.
  • Lastly, substance abuse group activities can provide group leaders with an opportunity to provide psychoeducation in an interactive way that members respond to.

SMART Recovery, a program grounded in empowering individuals to break free from the chains of addictive behaviors, underscores the importance of mental liberation through the DIBs tool. This article illuminates the transformative power of DIBs in the journey toward sustainable recovery. These cards can be used in a SUD inpatient or outpatient setting to facilitate group discussions about recovery. The facilitator can vary things up by letting group members pick someone else to answer their question once they�ve finished sharing.

A 1-page worksheet for exploring ways to resist urges to use in early recovery. A 2-page handout that describes seven uncommon grief experiences, such as delayed or disenfranchised grief. A list with links to online grief support groups, forums, and communities. A to-do list of kind deeds with blank spaces to write in your own ideas for spreading kindness.

Topics include active listening, assertiveness, conflict resolution, and rebuilding trust. Improved communication can help individuals mend relationships damaged by addiction. Topics could include the neurological aspects of addiction, the cycle of addiction, and the long-term effects on physical and mental health. With knowledge, individuals can better comprehend the need for treatment and strategies to overcome addiction. These activities can help build healthy relationships and improve personal emotional wellness.

substance abuse group activities for adults

  • Before you read on, we thought you might like to download our three Positive Psychology Exercises for free.
  • Expressive art storytelling can be made into a group activity by having members take part in expressive art together.
  • It can boost your sense of well-being and help you cope with drug cravings and other recovery-related challenges.